INTRODUCING: A FREE Video Guide From a Certified BCBA
 Sally Yim
Learn all about: ASD in Children

Are you feeling...

Upset because your child does not seem to respond to any of your questions and prompts

Frustrated because the problematic behaviours keep progressing and getting worse

Tired trying to teach your child over and over again but getting no improvement

Overwhelmed because you are tired and frustrated

Hopeless because you don’t know who to turn to or what else can help

Well don’t fret because this ABA bundle is here to help and to transform your life today! 

The purpose of this course is to empower, support and educate parents on effective ABA techniques so that they can live more happier and productive lives. Across 6 modules and 30 video lectures we will be covering various topics such as: behaviour analysis, goal setting, learning strategies, verbal behaviour, play skills, and tips on teaching children with ASD self-care skills such as dressing, eating, toileting, grooming and following class routines. We will study theories, research, practices, and case studies relevant to the ABA principles. This course is intended to help parents develop specific knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to effectively parent children with ASD. 

After completing this course, you will be confident in teaching your child how to better verbalize and express their needs and desires, how to find suitable programs, how to buy the right toys and teaching materials, how to use the right strategies during the right times, and how to experience an overall more enjoyable experience when going out for grocery runs or when going for appointments such as haircuts, dental and eye appointments.  

This course is PERFECT for you if your child...

1. Is unresponsive to your prompts and requests
2. Has trouble expressing his/her wants and needs
3. Engages in problematic behaviours and tantrums
4. Struggles to communicate and to follow instructions at school
5. Has troubles with self-care skills

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ONE TIME OFFER ($169): Level 1: 行為管教基礎 (10 video lessons) 明白怎樣調節自己的教育模式迎合孩子的特性 2. 學懂4大親子關係建立的技巧 3. 明白發展階段和設定合理期望定下大小目標開始向成功邁進

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